Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Name :)


 so here we go.
 My first blog :)

 Does anyone think of any mystery in my name? :)

  - Chamii Chelly isn't really my true name , its just a screen name , you know a childish thingy :) well its started in a simple text message. Everybody finds it cute and they started to call me like that :)

 Where does the name "Chamii" came from?

 it came from my nickname "Cha" i just added the word  "-mii" so where the hell "mii" came from? at my immature times theres a lot of group messages and its kinda irritating when i read some of it they say that "ok i should call you like takumii" something like that all names were ended in "mii" and i tease that girl "so i'm Chamii" and it all started there.

Where does "Chelly" came from?

 well :"> chelly was my crush used to call me obviously it came from my name :) and i combine those names and i produce "Chamii Chelly" and its kinda cute to hear i love that . Specially when someone calls me Chelly :)

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