Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Man I Love the Most

"We love because He first loved us."
Jesus is my First love . His love that cannot compare in this world :) he is my provider even if i dont have a real father what you call a father in blood , but what i have is a spiritual Father.
He is more than enough :) Reading his wisdoms makes me happy and feel contentment.
He is the King and I'm his Princess <3 And you the one that reading this:

 "Jesus loves you more than anything in this World :) you wanna know how? its simple . :) He didn't forget to wake you up in the morning everyday.
 He didn't forget to guide you.He provide your needs.
Most of all He is listening to your prayers.
Dont get angry to Him just because he didn't gave what you pray for
just believe and learn to wait . Trust me. He will gave everything and more than what you need" :)

-Dont forget to leave a comment :">  "Amen"

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