Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The time of my Life :)

The happiest moment time in my life was the celebrating of my 18th Birthday, a lot of friends came and unexpected guests. More than words to say how happy i am :) reaching 18 and having a debut like this :) Im still thankful to my heavenly Father for giving a blessing like this for my entire life :) so so Happy :)

I'm crying :) can't you see? :) haha tears of joy
Yung totoo masakit matusok ng staples :D kita mo naman diba?
My 2nd outfit of the night :)

like a princess :)
my sister and a cousin

the 16th roses? :D
My pretty Mom :">
haha the gifts! yung totoo! puro damit eh! xD
Gaganda ng wrappings! xD

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